Monday, October 31, 2016

UKM Chong Tek Confucian Club

On the 30th October 2016, a group of UKM students headed by Mr Lee of Chong Tek Confucian Club came to do gotong royong at our Home. They entertained our Residents and help to clean the Home and also help cut the nails for the Residents.

Our deepest appreciation to your group





Donor James Low and Eilee Lim

On the 29th of October , Deepavali day, donor James Low and family donated some groceries to our Home. Thank you Mr James and family

Deepavali dinner by Suria and Family

On Deepavali Day, 29th October 2016, Suria and family provided dinner for our Residents. We wish to thank them for the delicious meal and organic coffee.



Deepavali Day Celebration

On the 29th October 2016 on Deepavali Day, we brought our Residents to the Indian Temple in Jalan Reko for prayers and a light meal.

There, we met Jayanthi's niece, Jeera and was invited to their open house for lunch. Our appreciation to Jeera and family for their kind invitation and delicious lunch







Saturday, October 8, 2016


On the 7th October 2016, after a few weeks of planning, 37 employees - Management & Staff of Eli Lilly Malaysia visited our Home for their Company CSR program called Global Day of Service.
We invited PKIK (Pusat Kanak Kanak Istimewa Kajang ) to join us for this event.

Everybody - our Residents, PKIK and Eli Lilly staff enjoyed the progams as listed below.

We wish to thank Eli Lilly - Management and Staff and the organising team for a well planned event and we hope to see more of you in the near future.



Opening briefing by our Vice Chairman Chris Tan.




Distribution of gift comprising T
Shirts and towel for our Residents and PKIK Students



Playing Musical Chairs with the Residents and PKIK Students


Performance by PKIK 






Enjoying KFC Lunch


Group Photo Session, presentation of Appreciation Flag











Craft Session 


Cake Cutting for Birthdays in October and Tang Yuen Dessert


Blowing Bubble Session and Random Pictures