Sunday, October 30, 2022

Group UCGC 3112 Community Service 30th October 2022

 New Era University College

Group UCGC 3112 Community Service
30th October 2022
Group Leader : Meng Hua
No of Students : 10
Lecturer in Charge : Puan Fatin
Today a group of students from New Era University College came for their Community Service. They helped to clean our premises, sunned the mattresses, clean the fans, windows and floors. They washed all the utensils and floor in the kitchen, the ceilings, arranged our pampers, washed the van, They made sandwiches for our Residents, sang Karaoke and also donated some groceries and souvenirs to us.
We wish to express our deepest appreciation for their kind deeds and donations and would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you the very best in your future undertakings.

On the 15th December 2022, we requested a few students to help us to stack our pampers on top of the container. A few students came over to help. Thank you very much


  1. Kini, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong adalah satu berita yang sangat buruk kerana salah seorang ahli politik melakukan kerja kotor di Kuil Buddha dan membawa sistem politik bermain di kuil sehingga ahli masyarakat lari dan presiden Kuil ini (Samnak Sambodhi). ) ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook yang merupakan bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya , Kepong dan pengerusi MCA Gombak

    Lelaki ini (Datuk Yip) selalu menelefon polis untuk menangkap sami Buddha dan menutup pintu Kaabah untuk tidak membenarkan sami Buddha masuk untuk menginap, semua sami Buddha terpaksa menyewa hotel untuk seketika...Mr Tan dan Kelemahan Encik Wah pada hari itu, pasukannya, samseng dan dua anggota polis datang mengganggu Ven. Phra Piyadhamma (Pulau Pinang atau bekas CID dari Singapura)

    Sejak kejadian itu, ramai penganut meninggalkan kuil kerana di kuil, mereka melakukan perkara yang tidak baik, kini jawatankuasa mengambil sami Buddha Myanmar untuk berkhidmat kerana mereka tidak mengambil berat tentang masalah Kuil sebelum ini atau Datuk Yip Kum Fook...ini seorang yang sangat kotor kerana dia boleh menipu semua orang

    Kini Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan pasukannya akan menderita dan terluka kerana ramai yang tahu apa yang berlaku...ada yang ramai tidak suka Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan dia akan tahu apakah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha?

    Dikongsi oleh Ah Wah, Selayang Jaya

  2. We have opened and founded the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) in Taman Ehsan in 1989 and we invited Datuk YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 to open the temple as well but moved to Taman Desa Jaya in 1990, in 1993 we bought the place where it is now.

    Our chief monk who worked hard for our Temple also rented a house for the temple for payment by our chief monk at that time because we all need to go to the Buddhist temple to stay in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong for some devotees to come to chant and pray because there is no and does not have a Buddhist temple

    When we moved to a new place, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 set up a new committee, and the old committee fired all of them, the temple has some problems because this Datuk Yip runs the temple like a political system because he doesn't know about Buddhist teachings, also because he is a businessman who sells a furniture store in Taman Desa Jaya and he is also an MCA Chairman in Taman Daya

    Also the son of DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福...YIP JIUN HANN叶君瀚, 律师 who is the chairman of MCA Gombak always told the devotees about the temple, he said this temple is my father's temple and belongs to my father, when any devotees hear that, they are not happy and don't like it, we know his son is mentally ill since he was a small child

    In 1994 DATUK YIP KUM FOOK full position as the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) then slowly many problems happened, then Ven. U Nandiya came and stayed in the Temple, soon because the next land had to have one Buddha statue, then Ven. U Nandiya plans to have a Marble Buddha Statue from Myanmar, after which Ven. U Nandiya arranged to collect donations from devotees

    Therefore, donating sufficient funds to pay for the Buddha statue, then Ven. U Nandiya and our Master went to Myanmar to see the statue, then the statue arrived safely but the donation money is still having problems because the money is in Ven. U Nandiya's hand, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 heard the remaining money donation with Ven. U Nandiya. In one day later, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 came to Ven. U Nandiya to cheat about money...Document about donation money on internet "" anyone can research it, this is very shameful for our Buddhist in way of life

    Other topics Buddhist monk (Ven. Phra Piya Thammo) was pushed out of the temple, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 used thugs and police to remove the Sangha from the Buddhist temple, this is very insulting to the Sangha in the world, all monks are Buddhist students or Buddhist followers if you destroy one sangha, Other Sangha will protect other Sangha and also very big sins in Buddhism, he叶金福 will vibrate or shake for your whole life, karma will come to you

    Now we are very sad when we drive past the temple because it is very quiet, no one goes to the temple, only Myanmar monks are there to take care of the place, maybe soon the temple will be closed, but DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 is not a problem because he has money a lot already….DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福, need to think about the money building temple is money donation by devotees

    Ah Lee former committee’s members of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝), “next message, we will explain more about this”

  3. 敬爱的佛教信土:

    最近, 在网络上看了PHRA PIYATHAMMO和尚和马华公会鸱唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的双方信件, 使我的内心久久不能平伏, 良心受到很大的譴責, 不吐訢不痛快, 所以我要誠恳的説:他叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)侓师叫外来的流流氓到三宝寺(暹廟)挑衅和尚打架及电招警方人员扣捕沙彌, 其嘲笑手法, 不外是要显示其权力, 而鞏固其职位, 以达到权力就是一切, 好让住持难堪, 自动離开, 方便行事......这种举动, 已间接的表逹其含意, 住持和尚兼顾问, 都无能为力,你们这些信徒能做什么?即使告马耒西亜佛教总会又能为难什么?这种心态, 的硧令人反感, 不是一个正信佛教者应有的行为。

    至今, 三宝寺的理事成员多数是其親戚, 这是实事, 加入会员需交RM100元费用,同时,必须经过叶金福(Yip Kum Fook)律师的同意,否则免談, 所以会员也不多。

    马华公会鹅唛区主席叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师,自控制三宝寺之後,把三宝寺(暹廟)当着私人產業,聘用和尚賺钱,利用佛教的道地为政治活动埸所,而处理三宝寺的钱财也不透明?这点,值得信众追问。马来西亚地擴人多,和尚也不缺乏,为什么不用本地和尚当任住持化缘,却偏偏劳心劳神,浪费签证费,交通费? 还要烦劳梹城佛总的推荐信, 向文化不同, 而語言又不通之千哩外囯缅旬和尚求助? 为什么....为什么? 只要我们用头脑想一想,便一日了然, 不必晝虎添足。

    叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师说:欢迎任何人如有意见,可以电话03:62762369/0122039700 Email: YIPKUMFOOK@HOTMAIL.COM 戓到其马华公会鹅唛区会甲洞三宝寺及以下地圵:NO.2,B JALAN 53 TAMAN DESA JAYA KEPONG 52100 SELANGOR, MALAYSIA.討論, 我要老实的提醒大家, 最好不要一个去見他, 因为这个人狡滑, 笑裡藏刀, 很阴险, 出家人都不放在眼裡, 連TAMAN DAYA 52100 KEPONG, KUALA LUMPUR. 众人的印度廟也敢放火燒, 利用权势把场地佔为己有, 由此可见, 他是何等的心毒? 还有现在三宝寺内, 各处都按裝计孔监视来人一举一动。

    目前, 三宝寺很多信徒及当地居民, 已经对叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak )律师不满, 但也不能做什么。他计划把三宝寺主席的职位轉给其子YIP JIUN HANN律师, 续承皇朝. 想近一部了觧詳情, 可上网得知。

    再说, 根据前理事在网络上给叶金福(Yip Kum Fook, MCA Gombak)律师的批評, 説他懂得包裝自己的道德守则, 以宗教为幌子手, 到处募款, 啇業经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教守則行事, 也没对人道作出貢献, 只不过借三宝寺宗教之名捞取权和私利而己, 其言也不为过, 是实事。

    在此, 我恳切希望, 廣大的佛教信仰者, 给予关注, 并共創義举, 弘扬佛教. 谢谢。

    Mr Lim Sok Chia敬啟
    Ms Yap
